Tuesday 24 March 2015

Video Game Perspective

Video Game Perspective

A perspective in the context of visual is the way in which the character in a game will appear on the TV screen. It will represent three dimensional object but on a two dimensional surface so it will try give the impression to the gamer of the realistic of the game.

There are many different types of Perspectives in a video game such as First Person, Third Person, 2D scrolling and Aerial Perspective (Bird eye View). They are all completely different to each other and will have different kind of advantageous and disadvantageous on video games.

First Person Perspective

First Person is a point that attempts to simulate looking through a game character’s eyes. It will allows the players to feel that they are the character. They are very popular in modern times because of the quality of the graphics that lets the gamer experience a realistic image of the game which makes It more exciting and fun for the game.  They are mainly used in game like RPG s, Adventure game, driving/racing and shooting game like Call of duty, which lets the gamer control a soldier and let it allow the gamer to see what the solider is seeing. By doing this, it will make it more realistic as the gamer is having the same view of a normal solider. The fact that you’re controlling and having the same view makes first person view much more popular for gamers to use. In Call of duty the graphics that the gamer will see is very realistic so for example a normal solider will kill their enemy using arms such as grenades , guns and military helicopters and it will also appear on the game on first person view.

However the first person game that was 20 years ago , the graphic at that time was not of Today standards because at that time the software that was needed to make such a graphic like Call of duty wasn't developed. If you look at the two example below of first game video made 20 years ago ( DOOM) and a video game that was released a couple years ago ( Call of duty) . It has many difference in graphics as you can see clearly in the images , for example the AK-47 that is used in Call of duty and the Hand Gun in Zoom are different in the way its design and the exact details of it. The AK -47 in call of duty will have the similar design of a normal looking AK - 47 will have in a War. 

Third Person Perspective 

Third Person Perspective allows the players to follow the main character on the TV screen which will always be shown and be visible on TV at all times in the game. The audience view will normally be shown from behind the character or around the character. Third Person Perceptive allows the player to see the whole character and a much better view. You can see not only see the character but the background much better. Having a view of the backgrounds makes the game much more interesting and fun compared to a first person Perspective which is limited to have the view from the character eyes.

Games that have third person Perspective are like Red Dead Redemption or Grand theft Auto 5. These games are very popular because of their high quality third person Perspective graphics

Third Person Perspective is by far the best and popular perspective people like because it much easier to control the character in the game because of the many control it has which lets you control the player. The Third person perspective game allows you to view the character from behind or around so the gamer can now see if something is going to happen to them in which they can prevent it has much as they can. Having such view is good for the players because he will be more aware of what is going on in the game which is important to the gamer as they will need to know what to do.

The graphics in third person perspective tend to be more detailed compared a first person perceptive. Players are able to watch as they fight their enemies, with this , its an element of entertainment and allows the gamer to explore and have fun while exploring the game, Also it will look more detailed especially with the background with the cars and weather.

2D scrolling Perspective 

2D scrolling Perspective is a type of game that lets you see the game from a side way or on the top. It will use a 2D side on view which shows the players moving through the game world.
2D scrolling Perspective are not popular anymore because of the rise and popularity of recent video games which are 3D looking game.
An example of 2D scrolling Perspective is of Mario and Sonic. Mario video games was very popular when they was first introduce back in the 90’s.It had the best kind of graphics in that generation. In Mario you will be chased by animals moving from left to right in the screen on a 2D view.
There many advantages of an 2D scrolling Perspective is that it doesn't take as much time to create the game, as the graphic and the process of making is very easy compared to recent video game that was created recently, also it doesn't cost money to make the video game as you won’t need much software to create it. However people will believe that 2D scrolling Perspective is not of good quality graphics which is what people don’t want, they believe such as these are very simple without any challenges to them. It wouldn't look attracted compared to recent video game so that will make people disliked with these kind of games ( 2D scrolling Perspective )     

Aerial Perspective 

There is Aerial Perspective which is a game that is set on Bird’s eye view Perspective. Aerial is by far the least popular perspective game because it don’t allow gamers the best view possible as your only looking down at the character in the game. There are many advantages of an Aerial game is that you are now able to see who’s in the game , which is very good for games because it allows them to witness what is going on in the game. Games that have aerial Perspective is League of legends which is a very popular game because of the many mission it has. A negative thing with Aerial Perspective is that it can be uncontrollable game as you will have to control the players but the problem will be you wouldn’t tell who it is.  

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