Tuesday 12 May 2015

Game Setting:

 In every game there will always be different characteristics in a game like the physical location. Every game has its own specific location that is mainly related to what kind of game is it. Physical Location is about where the location is in a game. If the game is about beach volleyball, the physical location will be in a beach on a sunny day with clear sky, it can look very realistic and make the gamer believe that they are actually doing beach volleyball. Gamer must have the right type of physical location in game because it need to be very realistic and look-a-like to something happening real life. If the gamer decided not to have the right location for what the game narrative is about , gamer will be less interested because they wouldn't feel that the game is realistic. So its very important that the game designer have the right exact physical setting for the game. In FIFA the location is based in a football stadium like Nou Camp or The emirates. The football stadium has fans; that sing their respectable clubs songs in the stands. FIFA gamer designer did this so that the gamer will feel the atmosphere of a real stadium , while playing.

Temporal Setting is mainly about what time in which the game is mainly set in. Every game designer will set a game on a certain time depending on what the game narrative is based on. Gamer designer must have the right time set in a game because if they have the  wrong one , gamers wouldn't feel as if the game is an real life setting because the time set in a game is just wrong and not the right one. For example in assassin creed the game set in 1700 , so that mean in the game you will be able to use medieval weapons such as Swords/wooden stick , just like the times in the 1700. The gamer used these purposely because they want the gamer to feel as if there are in a situation in the 1700. So this is mainly depending on what the game narrative is about .

  What does environmental setting mean?
  A environmental setting is about what the weather is like in each game. Every game has it own specific environmental setting, this will depend on what the game narrative is on. Having weather in a game is very good thing because that will allow the gamer to experience and have an feel of the game as if they are in the scene themselves. For example in GTA 5 , the game is based in Los Santos - A look-like of Los Angeles , as it has similar streets , building and cars. Also the game will usually have the exact weather to Los Angeles  depending of what season and time the game is set on.If the weather is rainy , then it will be difficult to drive on as the road is more slippery , making driving to mission more and more difficult.  

  What are emotional settings?

Emotive setting is about how the gamer will react when they play the game. Some games makes the gamer feel very motive by making the mission much more harder to complete or by making the gamers have feeling towards the character as if they are heroes. They do this because they want the player to carry on player as much as they can and get them attractive to the game. If the gamers have a touch to the game, they will more likely to carry and finish the mission

·         What are ethical settings?

 Ethical setting is about how responsible the context is in a game like the material in it. In game such as GTA there are controversial scene that many people complained about because of the extend of it. For example in Grand theft auto  you are able torture people using electrical shocks on their body, killing people using machine guns on the street, raping girls for revenge. It makes people rob car and kill them, which has an effect of the gamer as they believe that doing this in real is acceptable and can get away. However this is wrong and can put people in danger and also put them in jail. In America, people are now started to car jack as they if they are playing Grand theft auto which is wrong and have a bad influence on society. As Grand theft auto main object is to get sales , to get sales they must put unusual context in the game like tortured or robbing car, so they don't really  care about the aftermath of the game on the gamers. 

Monday 11 May 2015

Goals, Challenges and Rewards:

Goals , Challenges and Rewards

Goals in a game are task that people must complete in order to win mission. In order to win mission they must do many things such as killing an enemy or having a certain amount of coins. You must have goals to make the game more interesting and fun for the gamer. Without having the goals the game wont be popular with games because it wouldn't let them to get tested on mission. When games get tested and fail , they will find the game more interesting and addicted , so they can  hopefully pass the mission.
There are many games that have goals in their game , for example in games like Mario Chart , you must have gain the most coins in order to complete the mission , and go on the next mission.This is one of the goals in games.


Challenges are used in order to build on goals in the game. There are three types of challenges in game. The reason why there are three because they want the game to experience and a feel of the game in the beginning , so they can be prepared for other parts of the game. The three types of challenges in the game like Short term , Medium Challenges and Long Challenges. Short challenges are games that are mainly for beginners , they don't have much experience in the game so they will start with in an easy level so they can have a understanding of the game and, will pass easily in mission.Short challenges are used to make the gamer more entertained.Short challenges are usually quick and easy to play on.In game like FIFA there is a beginning mode for game users who have never played Fifa Video games before, The beginning mode is very easy to get a hang over it, it will allow you to easily tackle,score and do skills.

Medium challenges are more harder and longer to complete in mission, they will be more challenging to complete. People will usually do medium challenges as soon as they believe that the beginning challenges is too easy and feel the need to go further in the game. In medium challenges you will be required to complete a mission in a set time which can make you more focus in the game and that will test your mind. Other challenges will be that they will required you to gain as much coins as possible and not get caught , in games like Mario Kart. By making the game much more harder it will make the gamer more entertained and make them more addicted into the game.

The last type of challenges in the game is the Long challenges ,are literally the longest challenges in the game. The challenges will make you challenge yourself to the limit. They will make you do challenges in a very time controlled limit also while fighting you will be facing a much more difficult enemy. This will make it much harder to pass the task and the mission. In games such as FIFA the long challenges are called Very hard , which makes the computer team make it more difficult for gamers to score goals ,tackle them or even dribble the game . The computer does this purposely because they want the gamer to try even harder playing on , this will make the gamer more addicted into the game.


Rewards in video game are item given to gamers if they have completed the mission properly., this will make the gamer more interesting because that will allow the gamer to purchase products or buy enough coins to even go to the next mission. In some game coins allow you to improve the characters, which will enable you to gain more power and skills so you complete more mission.and better yourself in the game. The more rewards you earn in the game , the more chances you have to go further in the game. This happens by firstly, you can buy more power to go further in the game , secondly you will be able to access these new mission in the game. In the beginning the rewards will be small so you can start understanding the game.For example in games such as super sonic , you will get an extra coin or in games like GTA you will probably have the chance to get more money which will enable you to purchase new cars, weapon and even houses. Long term rewards are mainly millions of coins , money or properties like Villa. Gamers will be able to get these reward if they are on the game for a long period of time and have completed very hard competition. Gamer designer love doing this because its like showing out loyalty so they can further play in the game , like doing mission or even buying new games.

Without any of these rewards , gamers will think that they are not getting enough from doing these activities, so they will just stop do any activities in the future/

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Difficulty and Balance

In very game there will be always be a setting that allows you to change the difficulty of the game. gamer can change and adjust the difficulty when its necessary. .Its really important that mission in the beginning of the game is much easier compared to mission at the end, because it allows the gamer to have a feel of the game and how to play the game.If they don't have a feel in the beginning they will later struggled  As you through the game the mission will become harder and harder which makes the game more addicted and attracted to games because of the fact that they must be on point and challenges themselves to complete the mission.For example in games like MW3 , the further you go in the game the harder the game will be. The mission will challenge you to kill your enemy in a very small time limited. They will make the enemy more aggressive and hard towards them so they can be challenges. This is why games are more attracted and fun to play with it as it allow you to be challenged by the computer/game. In some games you are able to change the difficulty level if you find the game setting very hard, This will ease the problem that they may be facing while playing in a difficult mission. 

Narrative | FMV | Cut Scene


Narrative in a game is a storyline that the game is mainly based on in which a gamer will play on. Depending on the game it will have a plot in which it will follow and completed. Each game will have its own specific story for example in GTA the storyline is based on Three different character Michael ,Franklin and Trevor that have to mission like robbing banks or doing a favour for a drug lord so they can pay their debt backs. Video gamer will use narrative to show the gamers on what stage there are on and progress of the game. The Narrative usual makes the game more interesting and get the gamers more attractive to the game in which gamers will complete all the missions, on if the narrative was good; To have the narrative attractive they must have very good playing character and non playing character, in the game.

There are two version of Narrative in the game. For example FMV (Full Motions Video) and cut Scenes which are two complete different thing. Advantages of using narrative/storyline within a games is that it will be very attractive and interesting for gamers to follow in the game and also see what mission they are completing in the game. One disadvantages of having narrative in a game in that its time consuming for games to follow, they will get annoyed because they are forced to watch a storyline that they don’t want to watch, but just go straight to the game and play.


 FMV stands for Full motion Video which is a real video footage that is played along the game. These video game will allow the gamer understand  what their mission is going to be like or based on. Usually  a FMV will be played before the game will start so the gamer will firstly understand of the game is about like who's the character , the location of where the game is mainly situated in or of what mission is going to be. An example of FMW is of the game GTA V in where the main character Michael in the beginning of the film is robbing a bank with his friend.This FMV is compulsory for gamers to watch. You can't skip the video, which is a disadvantages of a FMV in the game. This is a disadvantages because gamers don't like watching or waiting for video to start playing in the game. 

Cut Scene:
a     A cut scene is a movie sequence that has coded to stop the game at one point for example when the gamer has completed a mission, the game will just stop and put a video. The video consist of the storyline of the game, in which the gamer will recap of what is going on and what mission he must complete. The video will always flow with the video game and the storyline in what the gamer has been through already. These cut scene can make the reader excited about what is going to happen, and can attract them into these games. For example a cut scene can be seen in game such as GTA cut scene will be of one of the main character Trevor making plans to rob a bank with Michael. These scene can make the game more attracted because of the fact gamers will be able to do these mission.